Transition from Primary to Secondary

Transition from Primary to Second Level

It is a major and exciting challenge for 12/13 year olds to adapt to the demands of a totally new environment, a radically increased number of subjects, a longer school day and the need to spend more time at homework.
  • The staff at Grange Post Primary School take special care to enable First Years make this transition as easy and trouble free as possible.
  • The Year Head, Guidance Teacher and Pastoral Care Team will help them cope with any problems that may arise.
  • In the second term staff members visit the primary schools to make a short presentation to the students, outlining the opportunities that are available at Grange Post Primary School and answer any questions students may have.
  • This is followed by a ‘hands on’ Open Day. Here the primary school students get the opportunity to experience a wide range of subjects that are on offer.
  • They also get an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the school and the facilities that are available to them.
  • An Open Evening is also arranged for parents and students where again there are opportunities to talk to staff and to see the work and achievements of the students at Grange Post Primary School.
  • On their first day in school, first year students are brought in for a half day induction to meet teachers and be walked through the timetable and school environment ahead of the return of other students.
  • One their second day in school they are brought away on a team building day to Bundoran Outdoor adventure center to allow them to get to know one another in a relaxed fun environment.
  • Over the course of the first week, first year students will meet tutor for forty minutes each morning to allow any issues concerns to be dealt with swiftly.
  • We also introduce a mentoring scheme in conjunction with Foroige called the Big Brother Big Sister Programme where Transition Year  students act as mentors to first years and support them in their transition.
